Church Readers:

A new roster for Readers for the weekend Masses from 01/02 August’15 to 19/20 September’15 is now posted on the Parish Information Board.



The Family of the late Millie Flynn Old Road and Lusk Community Unit, who died on the 10 July 2015, Would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad loss. A Special word of thanks to all that attended her removal and mass also Lusk Community Unit and the staff who took care of Millie in the past 12 years. Please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere thanks

The wife and family of the late Tony Hughes wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. Those who attended the house and funeral, sent Mass cards and letters and those who made donations to the Irish Kidney Association.


Viatores Christi

Do you want to learn more about the possibility of overseas volunteering and/or training in Overseas Development & Mission?  Viatores Christi (VC) will hold an Information & Recruitment Session on Saturday 22nd August at 10.00am at VC HQ, 8 New Cabra Road, Phibsboro, Dublin 7.  Tel. 01-8689986 or email


Catholic Young Adults Conference

“Come and See” (John 1:35 – 51).  For ages 18-40.  29-30 August at All Hallows College, Dublin.  2 days non-residential: €40 / Residential: €55.  Contact Liam (086 8888 918) or Declan (085 8032 848).  Legion of Mary project


Bulletin Contributions To contribute to the Bulletin, please send items for Parish Bulletin either by email or leave in the letter box in the Church porch. Deadline is 12 noon on Thursday. We ask that every item for inclusion has a name and contact number as anonymous items will not be accepted.