Many thanks to Regina Ryan of
COPPERTOPS Marketing & Web Design 
for her contribution 


Viable Parish Eucharistic Adoration: The way forward

Parish Eucharistic Adoration team meeting in Church at 7:30 pm on Monday 31st August. This is a follow up meeting from the meeting that took place in May and was organised by the Parish council as one of the council’s aims for 2015.  All welcome.

John Howard from Navan parish & the Eucharistic adoration team will be speaking at all masses next Sunday 5th / 6th September.  He will be making a presentation for volunteers to create a space for silent Eucharistic adoration in our beautiful day chapel in Rush.

Invitation for new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) members

New members are needed to serve their parish and community as members of the Parish Pastoral Council.  Commitment to the Pastoral Council involves attendance at a monthly meeting, commitment to on-going formation and development and a willingness to participate in various activities between meetings. In previous years parishioners joined the pastoral council with very little knowledge of what was involved.

This year we invite those who think they may be interested in joining the Pastoral Council to attend a “Come and See” day on Saturday 12th September (9am to 4.30 p.m , light lunch provided)– this will be a day for discernment, a day to ask “is this for me?” For further information please contact the parish office.

Julian Prayer Group

Meetings resume on Tuesday next, Sept 1st, in Meeting Room behind the sacristy after 9a.m. Mass. These meetings provide an opportunity to reflect on Readings from Scripture and to share in prayer together.  All welcome.

St. Vincent De Paul

Monthly collection will take place at all Masses next weekend. 29th/30 August.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back to the Senior Folk Group who will resume their ministry at the 11.30 A.M on Sunday.  The Junior Folk Group will be resuming shortly.

Welcome back to The Rush Parish Saturday Evening Choir who will begin rehearsals on Wed 9th & their ministry on Sat 12th September.  New members welcome

Baptisms for 13th & 27th September

Preparation meeting on Wednesday 2nd September at 7.30 p.m. Deadline for applications is Tuesday 1st September.  Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age.  See the parish website all information.

Child Protection:

Any outstanding child protection forms need to be handed in a.s.a.p. Thank you.

Planned Giving Envelope Collection 23rd August

We would like to thank everyone who contributed last week to the planned giving envelopes.  You all contributed a total of €1,046 that will go towards your parish.

Alliance of the Two Hearts this Friday at 8.00 pm till 3.00 am


Parish Office

The Parish Office will be open every morning after mass until 1.00 p.m. IN STOCK…We have new Self Help Books, Novena’s, Bibles, Motorists Prayers, Light a Candle Battery, Blessed Candles, Blessed Medals, Angel Pins, Large Angel Fonts, Fridge magnets, Praying Hands Ornaments,  Rosary Beads.  Mass Cards €5.

Colour In for Kids

Colouring pages are available in the church on Sunday. Please bring your own crayons.

Blessing of the School Bags will take place at 11.30 mass on Sunday 6th September
Back to School prayers will be available at the back of the church 


Thank You

The Statue of Our Lady has been painted and refreshed. Thank you to the parishioners who privately donated funds.

Communion & Confirmation

Both dates for 2016 will be released as soon as possible.

Harvest Thanksgiving Weekend and the Blessing of the Pets to be announced
 A mass celebrating the different cultures in our community will be held in the Autumn.


Legion Of Mary Annual Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine

The Legion of Mary Annual Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine will take place on Sunday 27th September. A Bus will leave Skerries Church at 7 a.m, with Pick up at Eurospar Rush at 7.15 pm. Contact Lorraine 087-6203317

Scoil Rince Fingal

Irish dancing classes resumes on Monday 7th September. Beginners from 6pm-7pm. Seniors from 7pm-8pm. Classes in St Catherine’s National school starts on Wednesday 9th September from 2.45pm -3.45pm. Contact Margaret Harford TCRG @ 0863101170 or Elizabeth Finnegan TCRG @ 0863104908.

Millhill Ladies Badminton Club

The club are holding 2 open nights on Tuesday the 8th September and Tuesday the 15th September 8pm to 10:30 pm. All welcome come and play. Some rackets available.  For information Tel 087 7520506.

Rush Musical Society

The Society will be holding a Launch night on Wednesday the 2nd of September at 8.30pm in the Station House Rush where details of their 2015/16 season will be announced. The society are staging the hit musical ” Seussical” in March 2016 Contact or (086) 1956718 for further details.