Parish Bulletin – 23rd August 2015
Mary Kirk Pastoral Worker
We invite you to join us in our goodbyes to Mary on Saturday Mass on 29th August at 7 p.m followed by tea & biscuits. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mary for all her work here in St. Maur’s and we wish her the very best of luck & happiness in her new job in Marino.
Invitation for new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) members
New members are needed to serve their parish and community as members of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Commitment to the Pastoral Council involves attendance at a monthly meeting, commitment to on-going formation and development and a willingness to participate in various activities between meetings.
In previous years parishioners joined the pastoral council with very little knowledge of what was involved. This year we invite those who think they may be interested in joining the Pastoral Council to attend a “Come and See” day on Saturday 12th September (9am to 4:30pm , light lunch provided)– this will be a day for discernment, a day to ask “is this for me?”
For more information please contact the parish office.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of Maureen Ennis & Millie Flynn who passed away recently. May they rest in peace.
Baptisms for 13th & 27th September
Preparation meeting on Wednesday 2nd September at 7.30 p.m. Deadline for applications is Tuesday 1st September.
Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information.
Child Protection:
Any outstanding child protection forms need to be handed in a.s.a.p. Thank you.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to Trocaire. The final amount raised was €1,535.
Rosminion Mission
We would like to thank all who contributed to the Rosminion Mission. The final amount raised was €2,650.
Parish Office
NEW STOCK…We have new Self Help Books, Novena’s, Bibles, Motorists Prayers, Light a Candle Battery, Blessed Candles, Blessed Medals, Angel Pins, Large Angel Fonts, Fridge magnets, Praying Hands Ornaments, Community Bibles, Rosary Beads. Mass Cards €5. Office will be open Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
Planned Giving Envelope Collection 16th August
We would like to thank everyone who contributed last week to the planned giving envelopes. You all contributed a total of €1,347 that will go towards your parish.
Kids colouring pages are available in the church on Sunday. Please bring your own crayons.
Communion & Confirmation
Both dates for 2016 will be released as soon as possible.
Choir & Folk Groups
We would like to welcome the return of the Saturday evening choir & the folk groups to the Sunday masses in September.
Harvest Thanksgiving Weekend and the Blessing of the Pets to be announced
Viable Parish Eucharistic Adoration
The way forward Parish Eucharistic Adoration team meeting in Church at 7:30 pm on Monday 31st August. All welcome.
Presentation at masses weekend of the 5th/6th September on Eucharistic Adoration process and call for volunteers at all masses (invitation cards will be distributed). Team meeting Monday 7th September in church at 7.30pm
A Mass celebrating the different cultures in our community will be held in the Autumn
Catholic Young Adults Conference
“Come and See” (John 1:35 – 51). For ages 18-40. 29-30 August at All Hallows College, Dublin. 2 days non-residential: €40 / Residential: €55. Contact Liam (086 8888 918) or Declan (085 8032848). Facebook Page Deus.Patria Legion of Mary project.
St. Vincent De Paul Monthly collection will take place at all Masses next weekend 29th/30 August
Rush Harbour Festival Committee would like to send a big Thank you to all the volunteers, Clubs, schools, organisations for their time, man power and participation, to the generosity of our local business community in making the weekend such a massive success. This year Rush Festival was an amazing weekend for us, the people of Rush so roll on 2016.
Previous Issues of the Bulletin
Bulletin Contributions
To contribute to the Bulletin, please send items for Parish Bulletin either by email or leave in the letter box in the Church porch.
Deadline is 12 noon on Thursday. We ask that every item for inclusion has a name and contact number as anonymous items will not be accepted.