
Baptisms 9th & 23rd August: Preparation meeting on Wednesday 5th August at 7.30 p.m. Deadline for applications is Tuesday 4th August. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information. No Baptisms in July. Bookings are now available for August.

Summer Schedule – Parish Office Opening Hours: 6 th -10th July & 27th July – 28th August Tuesday & Thursday from 9a.m.-4p.m. & on Friday’s from 10.30a.m. – 4p.m. 13th – 24th July: Open for a few minutes after Mass. Parish Bulletin: 19 th July – 9 th August: No parish bulletin. Resumes 16th August.

Saturday Mass times in July – No Morning Mass. Vigil mass at 7 p.m. Confession in July available in the confessional room or on request after 7 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday evenings.

Parish Office: – NEW STOCK…. Our parish office has new stock. We have new Self Help Books, Novena’s, Bibles, Motorists Prayers, Light a Candle Battery, Blessed Candles, Blessed Medals, Angel Pins, Large Angel Fonts, Fridge magnets, Praying Hands Ornaments, Community Bibles, Rosary Beads. Mass Cards €5.

Altar Servers: Please note a new rota is now available from July 2015. Copies can be obtained from the Parish Office. Thanks to all the parents and children who continue to serve our parish.

Child Safeguarding: – Many thanks to all who attended the Child Safeguarding Briefing last month. Updating of the mandatory Garda vetting process is currently underway for all who volunteer within our Parish. Completed Garda vetting forms should be returned to the Parish Office FAO Fr Peter O’Connor before the end of the month.

Rush Water Safety Week 2015 12th – 17th July: Classes relocated to Loughshinny Beach following advisory from Rush County Council. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Registration forms at Rush Credit Union, Library and Community Centre. Closing date for registration 4th July. Contact rushwatersafety@gmail.com

Ros Eo Community Childcare Centre: Last remaining preschool places for September 2015. Ros Eo offers a quality preschool service run by highly qualified staff. Contact Debbie on 8954434, or drop in to see us. Lusk Community Unit (Dementia specific day care) Spaces available on Saturdays 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Own transport required. Contact district nurse or 01 8071240.

Rush Harbour Festival 31st July – 3 rd August 2015:

This year’s festival is going to be bigger and better, starting with a Children’s Show. An American Roadster will carry the cartoon characters into the park, where Stilt Walkers and a Unicycler will entertain before the Magic Show commences.  Funfair, bouncy castles, games on the beach and much more over the weekend. There is a Colouring competition which is available in the brochure and in-store in Heavnely.

The following are some of the events that will take place:

Friday: The Festival will officially open with St. Maur’s Pipe band at 7p.m. This will be followed by Smash Hits with music from the 90’s.

Saturday: Saturday morning’s Five Mile Race at 10a.m. There will also be a Sandcastle Competition taking place at 2p.m.

Sunday: The first Rush Airshow at 3p.m. will be an amazing spectacle to see from either the North Beach or the Harbour area. There will be a Craft Fair in the park and Brendan Bowyer returns to Rush on Sunday night to entertain us all. Monday: Stage 2 will perform for the Mayors Tea Dance. Tickets available from eventbrite.ie or from the festival caravan on the main street. Further details from the FB page whatsoninrush or contact Angela on 08693487556

Harbour Festival Art Exhibition – Exhibiting art at 2 prominent locations on Main Street & outdoor Harbour area. All local artists wishing to exhibit, please contact Joan 0879556681, Liam 0868332006, Margaret 0863606051 or Ursula 086833838. Application forms available from Rush Community Centre and Rush Library.  Completed Application forms should be returned to Joan Bird, 27 Orlynn Park, Lusk. Email joantbird@gmail.com date July 14th 5 p.m.

Blood Transfusion Service – The Blood Transfusion Service will be in St. Maur’s GAA Club on Monday 27th July from 4.30p.m. – 8.00p.m.

Annual Sale of Work – Annual Sale of Work in aid of Man O’War Senior Citizens on Sunday 12th July 2015in the Balrothery Inn Car Park from 11a.m. onwards.