Preparation meeting for baptisms on 9th & 23rd August will be held on Wednesday 5th August at 7.30 pm. Deadline for August baptisms is Tuesday 4 th August. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website all information. No Baptisms in July. Bookings are now available for August.
Mass times on Saturdays in July
No Morning mass. Vigil mass will be at 7 p.m.
Feast of the Sacred Heart – Friday 12th June
Friday 12th June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart
Mission Awareness
A priest from the Rosminian Order will be preaching at masses next weekend, 20th / 21st June.
Ministry of the Word
A new roster for the weekend Masses from 06/07 June’15 to 25/26 July’15 is now posted on the Parish Information Board.
Blessing of Graves
Sunday 28th June 3pm Whitestown. 6pm Kenure. Blessed Memorial Candles are available in the parish office for €2.50
Pilgrimage to Knock – Saturday 20th June
Leaving Church car park @ 8 a.m. Price €20 per person. Contact Kathleen 0876251019.
Parish Finance
All charity donation tax forms have now been distributed. If you believe that you should have received a form but have not, please contact Fiona in the Parish Office, 01-8949464. Please forward any completed forms to the Parish office at your earliest convenience.
Thank you
We express our thanks to all those who were involved, last weekend, in Saturday evening Mass celebrating the music composed by Jack Harte and those who took part in the Corpus Christi procession on Sunday
Gluten Free Hosts
Gluten Free Hosts will be available from the Eucharistic minister near the Tabernacle at the side of the altar.
The Parish Council ask parishioners to respect the disabled parking areas of the church grounds and to park in the designated areas. This is to leave enough room in the parking areas in case of emergency.
Anam Cara
Monthly Parent Evening will be held on Wednesday 17th of June 2015 from 19:30 to 21:00 in Applewood Community Centre, Castleview Lawn/ Bunbury Gate Road, Swords, Co Dublin. All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents.
Parish Office Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 9-1 and Friday 11-1. Available at the office: Certs (€3). Mass cards (€5): Sympathy, Anniversary, Mass Bouquet, Mass Intention, Thank You, Birthday & Get Well. Communion & Confirmation cards are also available. We have a gift shop with beautiful communion missals, grave candles, children’s bibles, bookmarks, angel pins, rosary beads, bracelets, Padre Pio medals and scapulars.
Prayers for those taking exams
Please make use of our Prayer Space for all those taking exams at this time. We ask all students, or anyone else on their behalf to add their names to our Prayer Commitment Book for those taking Exams which is located on the table in the porch of the Church. All these names will be remembered and prayed for each day at daily mass and at our weekend masses until all the State examinations are finished. We want all students to know that Rush Parish will be thinking of them during this exhausting time.
Rush National School Cleaner Position
Applications are invited for the position of part-time cleaner in Rush National School. Closing date for applications is the 19th of June 2015. Please forward C.V. to The Chairperson, Board of Management, Rush National School, Rush, Co. Dublin. Commencement date of position is the 26th of August 2015.
Rush Water Safety Week 2015 12th – 17th July
Registration forms available at Rush Credit Union, Rush Library and Rush Community Centre. Closing date for registration 4th July. Contact
Rush CTAS (Community Text Alert System)
After a positive follow up meeting with local Garda representatives a community text alert system was offered to Rush as ONE method to assist with crime.prevention. We are calling on all residents of Rush to sign up for CTAS. Please contact Rush Community Centre 8439349 for details or to sign up.
Skerries Water Safety Week 2015 2nd – 8th August 2015.
Last chance to register on Saturday 20th June 10:00-4:00 at Skerries Sailing Club. Registration forms available via email from or from Skerries Library, Skerries Community Centre and Skerries News Office.
Alzheimher’s Society
A big thank you to all who supported the recent Coffee Morning in aid of the Alzheimher’s Society. A total of €870.00 was raised for this worthy cause
Items for bulletin only: or leave in the letter box in the Church porch. Deadline is 12 noon on Thursday.
Please include a name and contact number. Anonymous items are not accepted