We remember Tony Hughes and Brendan Dempsey who both passed away during the week. Rest in Peace.
Parish Finance
The letter with the “Charity form” to those parishioners who subscribe €250.00 or over per annum will issue shortly. On receipt please sign & return to the parish office.
Thank you to everyone involved in the confirmation ceremonies and preparation.
Vocation Sunday, Easter Dues & Trocaire
We thank everybody who contributed to these collections. Dates to Remember: May is the month dedicated to our lady, a May altar has been prepared for us beside the candle stands.
Do this in Memory Programme
There will be two Pre-First Holy Communion Masses May 3rd (A blessed gift will be presented to the children) at 11.30 a.m. May 10th (All the songs that we have enjoyed will be sung including I am a Promise, Zacchaeus and Happy) at 11.30a.m. There will also be special thanksgiving communion masses on May 17th and 24th. (The children will receive a special certificate of their communion day)
Tuesday May 19th – 6th Year Graduation Mass, St. Joseph’s School
Sunday May 24th – Pentecost Sunday
Sunday June 7th – Feast of Corpus Christi, Child Safeguarding Sunday
Sunday June 28th – Blessings of the Grave 3pm Whitestown, 6pm Kenure. There will be no Saturday Morning 10 a.m Mass on May 16th, 23rd & 30th.
Children’s Leaflets
Colouring leaflets are available for children under 6. Please bring your own colour pencils.
We welcome Lorcan Wilson Quinn, Jack Powell, Ruby Campbell, Brogin Archbold Kessie, Conor Fred Hess, Finn & Amelie Patout & Molly Neill to the parish.
Baptisms Dates
Preparation Meeting for baptisms on Sunday 10th May & Sunday 24th May will be held on Wednesday 6th May. Deadline for May Baptisms is Tuesday 5th May. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information.
No Baptisms in July.
Parish Office
Opening hours Monday to Thursday: 9-1 and Friday 11-1. Available at the office: Blessed Candles only €2.00, Communion Items on Sale Now, Mass cards (€5), Certs (€3). We are delighted to be selling the following Mass cards from the Parish Office…. Sympathy, Anniversary, Mass Bouquet, Mass Intention, Thank You, Birthday & Get Well, Communion & Confirmation cards are also available. We have a gift shop with beautiful communion missals, grave candles, Children’s Bible, Bookmarks, Angel pins, Rosary beads, Bracelets etc. New Medals – Padre Pio, St. Peregrine & Scapulars
The Irish Catholic is available in the Parish office, price €1.60
Rush/Lusk/Skerries Bible Group
There will be no meeting of the Bible Group on Thurs 14th May 2015. Next meeting is Thurs 28th May at 10.00am in the church.
Ministers of the Eucharist
An evening of prayer and reflection will be held for ALL Ministers of the Eucharist on Monday 25th May at 7.30pm. Ministers will renew their commitment to serving the parish. Please contact Alice for further details and to register your attendance.
Clothes collection, the bags for the annual Vincent de Paul can be collected at mass this weekend and St Vincent De Paul collect the bags from the church on the 11/12th May.
Art Exhibition by Eileen Keelan
It will run from 4th to 17th May 2015, 10am – 5.30 pm at Skerries Mills. The exhibition opening night is on the 4th May 2015 from 7pm to 9 pm. All Welcome!
St Catherine’s NS – Green Flag Award
Congratulations to the pupils and staff of St Catherine’s on the award of its 6th Green Flag under the Green-Schools initiative. The school once again completed all the elements of the Green-Schools programme which aims to increase students’ awareness of environmental issues through classroom studies and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider community.
Orlagh Centre Events
(Week of: 10th May 2015) Wednesday, May 13th 10.00am – 1.00pm ‘Come Away and Rest Awhile’ A morning of stillness and mindfulness in tranquil surroundings for those who need a break in a busy life. Option of lunch at the end of the morning. €25 (with lunch): With Bernadette Toal and John Byrne. Every week: Wednesday 8.00 – 8.30pm Meditation; Sunday 10-10.20a.m. Meditation (Centering Prayer); 10.30am Lectio Divina Mass. Booking: Tel: (01)4958190:Email:info@orlagh.ie:Website: www.orlagh.ie