We remember Sr Olive Moran who passed away during the week. Rest in Peace.
Dates to Remember
Sunday June 7th – Feast of Corpus Christi, Child Safeguarding Sunday
Sunday June 28th – Blessings of the Grave 3pm Whitestown, 6pm Kenure.
There will be no Saturday Morning Mass on May 30th.
A Special Thank you to all of those who helped out with the First Communion over the last few weeks.
Parish Finance
The Letter with the “Charity form” to those parishioners who subscribe €250 or more per annum will issue this week. Please sign & return to the parish.
Ministers of the Eucharist
An evening of prayer and reflection will be held for ALL Ministers of the Eucharist on Monday 25th May at 7.30pm. Ministers will renew their commitment to serving the parish. Please contact Alice for further details and to register your attendance.
Baptisms Dates
Preparation Meeting for baptisms Sunday June 14th and June 28th Will be held on Wednesday 3rd June at 7.30 pm. Deadline for June baptisms is Tuesday 2nd June . Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information. No Baptisms In July.
Parish Office
Opening hours Monday to Thursday: 9-1 and Friday 11-1. Available at the office: Communion Items on Sale Now, Mass cards (€5), Certs (€3). We are delighted to be selling the following Mass cards from the Parish Office…. Sympathy, Anniversary, Mass Bouquet, Mass Intention, Thank You, Birthday & Get Well, Communion & Confirmation cards are also available. We have a gift shop with beautiful communion missals, grave candles, Children’s Bible, Bookmarks, Angel pins, Rosary beads, Bracelets etc. New Medals – Padre Pio & Scapulars
Second Collection this Sunday goes towards Crosscare youth services, this replaces the regular share collection.
St Vincent de Paul Monthly collection will take place at all masses next Sunday 30/31 May.
Child Safeguarding
The Archdiocese of Dublin document Child Safeguarding and Protection, Policies and Procedures is available online at www.dublindiocese.ie. If you have any queries or concerns regarding the safety of a child or vulnerable adult please act and contact one of the following:
- Archdiocese of Dublin Safeguarding and Child Protection Office 01 8360314
- Designated person for the Archdiocese of Dublin Andrew Fagan, Director of Safeguarding and Child Protection Services 01 8360314
- Rush Parish Child Safeguarding Representatives
- Anna O’Sullivan
- Kevin Murray
- Fr. Peter O’Connor 01 8954248
- Gardai Balbriggan 01 8020510
- HSE 1850 241850
- Emergency Numbers 999 or 112
Skerries Water Safety Week
It will take place 2nd to 8th August 2015. Registration will take place at Skerries Sailing Club on Sunday 17th May 2015 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. And Saturday 20th June 2015 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration form available at Skerries News Office, Skerries Library & Skerries Community Centre.
Rush Musical Society’s “Show Choir” takes place every Wednesday night in the “Station House, Rush (Former Garda Station). The society still have some spaces available for Bases and Tenors so if you are interested in joining us why not come down on Wednesday night at 8pm.
Women’s Mini Marathon Monday 1st June 2015
Bus seat available to and from city. Call Monica 01-8438723
Rush Golf Club Beginner Lady Classes
Sometimes getting started can be the hardest part about learning anything new!. Come along and give it a try. Classes begin Tuesday 2nd June at 6pm. 5 week course cost €70. Contact Ian Rush Pro Shop 8438177, rushproshop@gmail.com
The Church Choir On Saturday 6th June at 7 pm Mass will sing music composed by the late Mr. Jack Harte who was Choir Master in the 1970′ and 80’s.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Meeting held on Monday 18th May, items discussed were: Child safeguarding (meeting with parish group leaders/representatives on Wednesday 10th June at 8pm)
PPC Reflection evening 15th June
Eucharistic Adoration information evening 21st May
Funeral Team set up in progress, Baptismal Team set up complete Church bell in operation, Next meeting Monday 8th June.
Loughshinny & Rush Historical Society Present A Talk Entitled “The 1916 Rising And The War Of Independence – Patrick Kelly – Volunteer From Corduff, Lusk” By Declan Costello And Helen Kelly (Grandchildren ) At the Strand Bar Rush on Thursday 28th May at 8pm.