The Meaning of Marriage newsletter is available in the porch of the Church and also on the Dublin diocese website and
We remember Gary Byrne who passed away during the week. Rest in Peace.
Dates to Remember
First Communion dates 16th May & 23rd May 2015
Do this in Memory Programme
There will be special thanksgiving communion masses on May 17th and 24th (The children will receive a special certificate of their communion day)
Tuesday May 19th – 6th Year Graduation Mass, St. Joseph’s School.
Sunday June 7th – Feast of Corpus Christi, Child Safeguarding Sunday
Sunday June 28th – Blessings of the Grave 3pm Whitestown, 6pm Kenure. There will be no Saturday Morning 10 a.m Mass on May 16th, 23rd & 30th
Parish Eucharistic Adoration
With the support of His Holiness Pope Francis and with the permission and encouragement of Bishops and Priests the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration has set up over 1000 Parish Centres of viable weekly adoration throughout Ireland and a large number in England in the past 10 years. This has been possible because of the enthusiasm, support and commitment of lay people in every Parish visited. Come and hear more about this amazing development in the Church and also about this crusade of prayer and the possibilities for our own Parish of Rush at an open meeting in the church on Thursday 21st May at 7.30pm
Love, Peace and Joy are just three of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. You are invited to “Come and Celebrate the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in your Life”, on Saturday 23rd of May here in the day chapel starting at 3.45pm and finishing up with the 7 pm vigil mass for the great feast day; “Pentecost”. Refreshments will be served and there will be time for both chat and reflection. To have some idea of numbers attending could you please leave your name in the office on the sheet provided there.
Parish Finance
The letter with the “Charity form” to those parishioners who subscribe €250.00 or over per annum will issue shortly. Please sign & return to the parish office.
Baptisms Dates
Preparation Meeting for baptisms Sunday June 14th and June 28th Will be held on Wednesday 3rd June at 7.30 pm. Deadline for June baptisms is Tuesday 2nd June . Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information. No Baptisms In July.
Ministers of the Eucharist
An evening of prayer and reflection will be held for ALL Ministers of the Eucharist on Monday 25th May at 7.30pm. Ministers will renew their commitment to serving the parish. Please contact Alice for further details and to register your attendance.
The Archdiocese of Dublin document Child Safeguarding and Protection, Policies and Procedures is available online. If you have any queries or concerns regarding the safety of a child or vulnerable adult please act and contact one of the following:
- Archdiocese of Dublin Safeguarding and Child Protection Office 01 8360314 Designated person for the Archdiocese of Dublin Andrew Fagan, Director of Safeguarding and Child Protection Services 01 8360314
- Rush Parish Child Safeguarding Representatives
- Anna O’Sullivan
- Kevin Murray
- Fr. Peter O’Connor 01 8437208
- Gardai Balbriggan 01 8020510
- HSE 1850 241850
- Emergency Numbers 999 or 112
Parish Office
Opening hours Monday to Thursday: 9-1 and Friday 11-1. Available at the office: Communion Items on Sale Now, Mass cards (€5), Certs (€3). We are delighted to be selling the following Mass cards from the Parish Office…. Sympathy, Anniversary, Mass Bouquet, Mass Intention, Thank You, Birthday & Get Well, Communion & Confirmation cards are also available. St. Peregrine & Padre Pio medals are back in stock.
Rush Senior Citizen’s Mass in remembrance of our late colleague Mrs Jean Browne will be held in Rush Community Centre at 2 p.m on Monday 18th May. Everybody Welcome.
Nurture Coffee Morning 20th May between 10am – 1pm in Ollies Place Skerries. Offering supports to women, partners & families surrounding conception, pregnancy & childbirth. Raising critical funds Not Government funded. Website:
St Catherine’s, Kenure is delighted to announce that it has been awarded its 5th Creative Schools Award. This prestigious award will be presented in the Ark, Children’s Cultural Centre, Temple Bar, on Tuesday the 19th May. We are the first school in Ireland to receive this award 5 times! Well done to all.
Rush Horticultural Society are holding the annual plant sale with a bric a brac stall and fresh vegetable stand on Sat.23rd 8am to 2pm outside the Rush community centre lots of bargains on the day.