Parish Meeting 11th March 7.30p.m All parishioners and friends are invited to provide feedback and comments on the Report of last year’s Synod on the Family. This Report has something to say to every Christian, regardless of relationship status and whether they have children or not. Pope Frances has invited all parishioners to make suggestions and comments through their parish which will feed into the discussions in October at the Second Synod. The Parish Pastoral Council will facilitate this meeting in the church. It would be helpful to download the Synod Report from the parish website, read it and discuss in advance with family, friends etc. An information note and the Synod Report is available on the home page of Rush Parish website
Baptism Dates 2015
Preparation Meeting for baptisms on Sundays 12th & Sunday 26th of April will be held on Wednesday 8th April. Deadline for April Baptisms is Tuesday 7th April. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information. No Baptisms in July.
Scripture Evenings with Fr. Kieran O’Mahony
The final evening on the Writings of St. Paul will be held in Lusk Parish Centre on Thurs 12th March at 8pm.
Reminder! Altar Servers
Altar server training for ALL altar servers on Weds next 11th March at 4pm in the church.
Parish Office
Opening hours Monday to Thursday: 9:00-1:00 and Friday 11:00-1:00 Available: Mass cards (€5), Certs (€3), Baptismal Forms, Anniversary Mass Intentions, Irish Catholic Paper.
Children’s Liturgy
Recommences next Sunday at the 11.30 a.m. mass.
Devotions for Lent
Copies of the Stations of the Cross can be read or viewed in the Church.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Sunday of Lent from 2 p.m to 5 p.m.
Novena of Grace
The traditional Novena of Grace will be recited at one mass daily from the Wednesday 4th March to Wednesday 11th March.
Parish Meetings
Parish Council Meeting at 8.30 p.m on Monday 9th March.
First Confessions
Will take place in the Parish for the Children from the St. Catherines’,St. Brendan’s and Rush National School starting on Monday 9th March. Change of parish email address, New parish email address is Deadline for items for the bulletin is 12 noon on Thursday.
Thanks to the Julian Group who have completed the confirmation retreats for this confirmation 6th class.
The staff and residents of Rush Nursing Home would like to extend their deepest sympathy to James Ferguson and family on the recent loss of Mary Ferguson (originally Loughshinny). She will be sadly missed.
Rush Youth Cafe Volunteer leaders required (min age 18). The cafe opens every Friday for members age 14 to 18 and provides a fun safe place to meet. Can you give your time for one week in the month? If interested please contact Muriel 0862251312 or alternatively please drop in any Friday night between 7.30 and 10pm. (Martins Shop).
Rush Musical Society
Bookings are now open for Rush Musical Society’s next Production of The Best Little Whore House in Texas which will take place for nine nights in the Millbank Theatre Rush from Thursday the 19th of March to Saturday the 28th of March at 8pm nightly. Bookings can be made by contacting 018437475 or email
Ros Eo Community Childcare Centre
Are currently enrolling for Pre-School places for September 2015. Ros Eo CCC offers the free pre-school year (ECCE) and Community Subvention Scheme (CCS). Debbie on 8954434 or E-mail:
Healing Mass in honour of St. Peregrine, Patron Saint of Cancer.
St. Patrick’s Church, Skerries – Monday 30th March at 7.30pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered after Mass to those afflicted with cancer, along with the blessing of the relic of St. Peregrine. All Welcome!
Have you got an hour or two to spare on Patrick’s day to ensure the parade passes through the town safely?? If so please contact Angela on 086 3487556 or call into Rush Community Centre and leave your name and number. Marshalls and stewards required from 12.30 until the parade finishes at 2pm.
Christmas Swim 2014
The spirit of giving was very evident at this years Xmas Swim 2014 with €3,750 raised for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you for your generosity, for participating, for supporting on and off the water and to RSC for use of their premises and thanks to Rush First Responder, Callum Wallace for being on hand . See you 25th December 2015.