We request all parishioners to take a copy of the financial statement of the parish which is available in the porches of the church, if anyone has any queries please contact the parish office where your query will be noted. We thank you for support, suggestions & help.
BAPTISMS DATES Preparation Meeting for baptisms on Sundays 12th & Sunday 26th of April will be held on Wednesday 8th April. Deadline for April Baptisms is Tuesday 7th April. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information. No Baptisms in July.
PARISH OFFICE Opening hours Monday to Thursday:9-1 and Friday 11-1. Available at the office: Mass cards (€5), Certs (€3), Baptismal Forms, Mass Intentions, Irish Catholic Paper. The following Mass cards are also available from the Parish Office; Sympathy, Anniversary, Mass Bouquet, Mass Intention, Thank You, Birthday & Get Well. We also have opened a little gift shop with beautiful communion sets, candles, books, bookmarks, Angel pins, Rosary beads etc.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY – Next Sunday at the 11.30 a.m. mass. Colouring leaflets are available for children under 6. Please bring your own colour pencils.
DEVOTIONS FOR LENT Copies of the Stations of the Cross can be read or viewed in the Church.
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Sunday of Lent from 2 p.m to 5 p.m. MEETINGS Any meetings that take place in the church must have permission from the Parish Priest. Thank you in advance.
CEREMONY OF LIGHT is being held on the 26th March, Thursday Evening at 8 pm
PALM SUNDAY – Palm will be available at Mass next Sunday. The Passion will be read by the children at 11.30 a.m.
THANK YOU Thank you to all involved for St Patrick’s celebrations in the Church. A Special thanks to Grainne Foley who provided shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day.
SIGNAGE – Please take note of the new signs in the car park on the Church grounds.
PETER’S PASSION – SUNDAY 22 MARCH AT 7.30PM A story that began more than 2000 years ago, the story of a man who loved his friends so much that he laid down his life for them. A story of a mother’s love and a best friend’s betrayal. A story of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. A story of hope. Performed by Skerries Community College students, staff and friends in St. Patrick’s Church, Skerries.7.30pm. All are welcome!
DO THIS IN MEMORY PROGRAMME Next Mass Sunday 29th March @ 11.30am. Meeting for coordinating group on Tuesday, 24th March in Church.
DAFFODIL DAY – FRIDAY 27TH MARCH Coffee Morning in Millbank Theatre from 9am. Daffodil emblems available throughout Rush. Sponsored walk on Sunday 29th March at Rush Sailing Club at 3pm. Cards from 8437271 or 8437496.
GARDEN OF HOPE Mon 23rd – Sat 28th In Rush Library. There will be a Garden inside the doors of the library and you are welcome to place a cardboard Daffodil with a message in the garden in recognition of your loved one going through a cancer journey or perhaps in memory of a loved one.
ADVOCATE Sunshine house collection will take place at all Masses next weekend. 28th/29th march.
LOUGHSHINNY & RUSH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Present a talk entitled ‘The Transition of Agriculture in Rush circa 1895’ at 8:15pm on Thursday 26th March at the Strand Bar. Everyone is welcome.
ST. MAURS’ ADULT FOOTBALL AND HURLING COMMITTEE AGM The AGM will take place next Wednesday, the 25th of March, in the clubhouse, at 8pm. All players and members are welcome to attend.
RUSH MUSICAL SOCIETY Bookings are now open for the Society’s next Production ‘The Best Little Whore House in Texas’. Running from Thurs 19th of March to Sat 28th of March at 8pm nightly. Bookings ph 018437475 or email
HEALING MASS IN HONOUR OF ST. PEREGRINE, PATRON SAINT OF CANCER. St. Patrick’s Church, Skerries – Monday 30th March at 7.30pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered after Mass to those afflicted with cancer, along with the blessing of the relic of St. Peregrine. All Welcome!
ST MAURS GAA Bingo every Sunday night at 8:30pm. Sunday lotto draw at 9pm. If you’re not in you can’t win.
LOURDES’ VOLUNTEERS Group travelling to work with Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes. 5th to 12th July or 12th to 19th July Full training given by Hospitalite ND de Lourdes Enquiries to Liz Byrne Ph: 087-1926346 or Email: