Vigil mass 7.00pm 16th Monday March, 9 a.m & 11.30 a.m on St. Patrick’s Day. Shamrock will be blessed at mass. There is a novena prayer to St. Patrick which is available in the porches of the church on St. Patrick’s Day.
ST. JOSEPH’S DAY is Thursday 19th March
STATUES OF ST. PATRICK & ST. JOSEPH The recently restored statues of St. Patrick and St. Joseph will be displayed in the church this week. Prayers to St. Patrick & St. Joseph will be said at all masses. The Statues will be placed for this week only (beside the Candle shrines), then they will remain in the prayer chapel.
FINANCE SUNDAY We request all parishioners to take a copy of the financial statement of the parish which is available in the porches of the church, if anyone has any queries please contact the parish office after mass where your query will be noted. We thank you for support, suggestions & help.
BAPTISMS We welcome Blake Teeling Barry, Ethan Lakoma and Sebastian Bethlan Mc Neil to the parish.
BAPTISMS DATES Preparation Meeting for baptisms on Sundays 12th & Sunday 26th of April will be held on Wednesday 8th April. Deadline for April Baptisms is Tuesday 7th April. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information. No Baptisms in July.
DEATH Our sympathies to the family and friends of Denis Hickey. May he rest in peace.
PARISH OFFICE – Opening hours Monday to Thursday:9-1 and Friday 11-1. Available at the office: Mass cards (€5), Certs (€3), Baptismal Forms, Mass Intentions, Irish Catholic Paper. The following Mass cards are also available from the Parish Office…. Sympathy, Anniversary, Mass Bouquet, Mass Intention, Thank You, Birthday & Get Well.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY – Recommences next Sunday at the 11.30 a.m. mass. Colouring leaflets are available for children under 6. Please bring your own colour pencils. Devotions for Lent – Copies of the Stations of the Cross can be read or viewed in the Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Every Sunday of Lent from 2 pm to 5 pm.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The family of the late Hilda Murphy would like to thank most sincerely all neighbours and friends, those who attended the house, the funeral, sent mass cards and all who helped in anyway. We would also like to thank Fr. Halpin, Fr. Peter, St. Maur’s Folk Group, Dr. Murray & Fitzgeralds Funeral Directors. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
MEETINGS Any meetings that take place in the church must have permission from the Parish Priest. Thank you in advance.
MOTHER’S DAY 15TH MARCH This Sunday is Mothering Sunday so we wish all the mothers in our parish a very Happy Mothers Day.
SYNOD ON THE FAMILY Thank you to everyone who attended the Open Meeting on Wednesday. There is still time to get your comments and suggestions regarding “The future of the Family in the Church and the World” included in the report. Please leave any written submissions into the parish office in a sealed envelope marked “Synod” and we will include them in the report. Last date for submissions is Fri 20th March.
RUSH MUSICAL SOCIETY Bookings are now open for the Society’s next Production ‘The Best Little Whore House in Texas’. Running from Thurs 19th of March to Sat 28th of March at 8pm nightly. Bookings ph 018437475 or email
Lots happening in Rush for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, St Maur’s Pipe Band leading the parade, live street entertainment with STAGE TWO performing at Echlin court, courtesy of the Festival Committee, from 2pm til 3pm. The colourful and energetic JAPANEESE DRUMMING band will perform outside Dalmac on Lower Main Street from 1pm to 2pm. Participating in this year’s parade are the amazing SAMBA MAMA’s and their music to the ‘Festival Pink Flamingo Lounge’ Float.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD WORKSHOP “How we can proclaim the meaning of God’s Word by our preparation and our delivery?” Father Kieran O’Mahony OSA will give the scripture input focusing on the readings for Holy Week. This workshop will take place in Clonliffe College on Thursday 19th March from 8.00 – 9.30 pm. To book a place contact Grainne now at 01-8087554.
HEALING MASS In honour of St. Peregrine, Patron Saint of Cancer, there will be a healing Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Skerries on Monday 30th March at 7.30pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered after Mass to those afflicted with cancer, along with the blessing of the relic of St. Peregrine. All welcome!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed to marshall the St. Patricks Parade. Contact Angela on 086 3487556 or leave your name and number into the community centre.
ST MAURS GAA Bingo every Sunday night at 8:30pm. Sunday lotto draw at 9pm. Remember if you’re not in you can’t win!