Rush Parish Statistics
110 Baptisms; 139 Confirmations; 7 Marriages; 28 Funerals.
We welcome into our Parish Community Caoimhe Nolan, Aisling Doyle, Tara Boyle & Evan Leonard Fay.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Claire Ferguson who passed away recently.
Baptismal Certificates Requests
Please apply by email to stating the person’s name, approx. date of baptism and date of birth. The cost of each certificate is €3. Parents seeking Baptismal certs for the schools in Rush parish, whose children were baptised in Rush church, can leave their child’s name and approximate date of baptism with the school. The school will forward this information to the parish for checking. No need to apply for a baptismal certificate.
Arrangements for Baptisms
Preparation Meeting for baptisms on 8th and 22nd February will held on Wed 4th Feb. Closing date for February bookings is Tues 3 rd February. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics and over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information.
Baptism Team Training
The first session of training for the new Baptism Team commences on Weds next 21st Jan at 7.30pm. As this is the first session there is still time for new members to join. Please contact me if you think you might be interested – Mary, Parish Pastoral Worker 0873667645
Candle Shrines
Two new shrines have been installed in front of St. Anthony & The Sacred Heart. All profits from the candle shrines go towards the costs of heating, insurance and electrical maintenance of the church.
Events in the Parish
- Do This In Memory Programme for children preparing for First Confession and First Holy Communion will take place this Sunday at 11.30am Mass.
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan 18th to Jan 25th
- Catholic Schools Week commences on Sunday 25th Jan.
- St. Maur’s Church Flower Group wish to thank all who contributed to the Christmas Church
- Arrangements Dates for Your Diary
- Feast of St. Brigid Sun Feb 1st – Blessing of seeds & plants
- Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Monday Feb 2nd , – Blessing of Candles.
- Feast of St. Blaise – Tuesday Feb 3rd – Blessing of Throats
Remembrance Names at Sunday Mass
Names to be prayed for at Sunday Masses are always welcome and we thank parishioners for their very generous contributions. To be fair to all concerned we try to remember as many people as possible. Sometimes as many as twenty names have been submitted. A maximum of six names will be accepted per offering.
Change to Parish Bulletin Submission Deadline
Deadline for inclusion for items to be included is 12 noon on Thursday. Please submit by email if possible.
Weekday Mass Intentions
Parishioners leaving in Mass intentions for morning Mass Mon-Sat please supply a contact telephone number.
New Altar Servers
All new servers who joined last year in Oct/Nov/Dec are reminded that training re-commences on Weds next 21st Jan at 4pm in the church. It is important that you attend these training sessions before commencing as a server. Contact Mary, Parish Pastoral Worker – 0873667645
Parish Schools Enrolment for the year 2015/16
The closing date for enrollment for the Parish Schools is Friday 23rd January 2015 at 2.30 p.m. All applications must be returned to the Parish Schools on or before that date.
School of the Word with Fr. Kieran O’Mahony, OSA
Module 3 of Scripture evenings with Fr. O’Mahony commences in Lusk church on Thurs 29th Jan at 8pm. There will be 6 Thursday evening talks on the Second Reading at Mass, mainly the Letters of St. Paul. See for more information on the content. Dates are 29th Jan, (no meeting on Thurs 5th Feb), 12th Feb, 19th Feb, 26th Feb, 5th March and 12th March. All welcome. Contact Mary 0873667645
Rush/Lusk/Skerries Bible Group
The inter-parish Bible group will now meet fortnightly in Rush church from Thurs 22nd Jan at 10.00am. The programme of study and prayer this year will commence with the Gospel of Luke. All welcome. Contact Mary 0873667645.
Acknowledgement – Freddy Boardman R.I.P
The wife and family of the late Freddy Boardman would like to thank everyone who called to the house, especially to their neighbours, those who attended the funeral and all who helped in any way, Rush Athletic for the guard of honour, Fr. Peter & Fr. Cullen for their support, St. Maur’s Folk Group & Fitzgerald’s Undertakers. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Rush Musical Society
Men urgently needed to join the Rush Musical Society contact 086 1956718.