We welcome into our Parish Community the following: Ruby Harford Long, Zoe Alexandre Mullan, Ocean Edward Harford, Sophie Angela Gray, Emile James Follens, Robin Noah Walter Molloy.
We extend our Deepest Sympathy to the families of Hilda Murphy and Tommy Walsh who passed away recently.
Arrangements for Baptisms
Baptisms will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month with one compulsory preparation meeting every month. The preparation meeting for Baptisms booked for Sun 8 th Feb and Sunday 22nd Feb will be on Weds 4 th February at 7.30pm. Final closing date for bookings for these dates will be Tues 3 rd February. Please note that godparents/sponsors must be baptised Catholics over 16 years of age. See the parish website for all information.
Baptismal Certificates Requests
Please apply by email to the parish email address stating the person’s name, approx. date of baptism and date of birth. The cost of each certificate is €3. Parents seeking Baptismal certs for the schools in Rush parish, whose children were baptised in Rush church, can leave their child’s name and approximate date of baptism with the school. The school will forward this information to the parish for checking. No need to apply for a baptismal certificate.
Christmas Dues
A word of Thanks to all our parishioners who contributed to the Christmas Dues.
Candle Shrines
We thank all parishioners who, during the Christmas and New Period, who have supported the candle shrines. All profits from these shrines go towards the heating and electrical maintenance costs of the church.
Events in the Parish
- Liturgy meeting on Monday Jan 12th at 7.30pm.
- Parish Pastoral Council Meeting on Jan 12th at 8.30pm.
- Do This In Memory Program for children preparing for First Confession and First Holy Communion will take place at 11.30am Mass on Sunday Jan 18th. Meeting for coordinating group on Tuesday 13th January @ 8pm in Church.
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity commences Jan 18th to Jan 25th
- Catholic Schools Week commences on Sunday 25th Jan.
- CCTV The work on the CCTV around and in the church has been completed. The Church is now under surveillance 24 hours a day. We thank you for your co-operation.
DVD of Televised Mass
Now available from the Parish office at €5.
Church Readers
A new roster for Readers for the weekend Masses from 20/21 December@14 to 07/08 February’15 is now posted on the Parish Information Board.
Remembrance Names at Sunday Mass
Names to be prayed for at Sunday Masses are always welcome and we thank parishioners for their very generous contributions. To be fair to all concerned we try to remember as many names as possible. Sometimes people leave in up to twenty names per list. A maximum of six names can only be remembered per offering.
Blood Donor Clinic at St Maur’s GAA Centre, Rush Monday, 12 January 2015 4:30pm—8:00pm
Parish Schools Enrolment for the year 2015/16
Enrolment for the Parish Schools will take place from Monday 5th January until Friday 23rd January inclusive between the hours of 09.30 and 14.30.
Rush Nursing Home and Third Age are hosting a talk on Dementia on the 28th January in Rush Nursing Home. Anyone affected by this disease is welcome to attend to get helpful advice from professionals. Please rsvp to Michele (Activities Therapist) on 018709684 before 18th January. Light refreshments served.
St Catherine’s NS would like to thank all who contributed to Simon at the school carol service in St Maur’s church on 16th December. The children sang beautifully for parents and friends. €1000 was raised and has been donated to Simon.
Rush Musical Society
Men urgently needed to join the Rush Musical Society for “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” which runs in the Millbank Theatre in March 19th-28th for 9 Nights. Rehearsals Monday & Wednesday evenings at 8pm in Rush Community Centre. Come down to our rehearsal next Wednesday 14th Jan at 8pm. secretary@rushmusicalsociety.ieor 086 1956718.
St. Vincent de Paul gratefully acknowledge the sum of £4,158 raised at the benefit night in the Yacht Bar on the 21st Dec 2014. St. Maur’s Pipe Band would like to thank everyone for contributing to our Annual Church Gate Collection held recently. It is very much appreciated.
Opening night of the next production at Rush Millbank Theatre “The Accused” by Jeffrey Archer on Wed. 21st January will be a fundraising event for the band. Ticket enquiries please contact Michael Doyle Tel: 0872395613